
Graduate Seminar - Dr. Eduardo Gildin

Monday, February 29, 2016
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: CPE 2.204

Speaker:  Dr. Eduardo Gildin,  Associate Professor - Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University

Seminar Title: “Robust Reduced Complexity Modeling in Reservoir Simulation and Optimization”


Despite great advances in reservoir simulation capabilities with the introduction of high-performance computing (HPC) platforms and enhanced solvers, high fidelity grid-based simulation still remains a challenging task. This task is especially demanding for fine-resolved geological reservoirs for multiphase and multi-components flow and in production optimization and uncertainty quantification frameworks where several calls of the large scale simulation model need to be performed. In order to overcome the computational costs associated with these large-scale models, several forms of model-order reduction have been   used in practical applications. In porous media flow, three different approaches are used: (1) “ coarsening" of the discretization grid in a process called upscaling and multiscale methods;  (2) a reduction in the number of state variables (i.e., pressure and  saturations) and parameters directly in a process called approximation of dynamical systems and reparameterization;  and (3) data-driven proxy  models including physics-based and data mining methodologies. Recently, the idea of combining (1) and (2), and (2) and (3) have been proposed using the multiscale model reduction techniques and the state-space version of the capacitance-resistance model (CRM).

In this talk, I will describe the model reduction methods in a systems framework and will show their applicability to mitigate the computational cost in optimization and uncertainty quantification. I will show results regarding the local-global and bilinear approximations, and hyper-reduced CRM model.


Dr. Eduardo Gildin is an Associate Professor in the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University. He is the holder of the C.J. Craft Jr. Faculty Fellowship and the FCMG Research Chair in Robust Reduced Complexity Modeling in Reservoir Engineering. Dr. Gildin holds a PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin and an MSc and BSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Brazil. He has held postdoctoral positions with the Center for Subsurface Modeling at ICES/UT-Austin and the Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. His research interests include the mathematics of reservoir simulation, numerical methods for control and model reduction of large-scale systems, finite element modeling, numerical analysis and optimization with an emphasis in petroleum engineering problems.
