Delshad Receives 2024 SPE IOR Pioneer Award
February 15, 2024
Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (UT PGE) Research Professor Mojdeh Delshad has received the 2024 Pioneer Award. It is presented annually by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) to individuals who have made significant advancements in improved oil recovery (IOR) technology. Dr. Delshad will accept the award at the annual SPEIOR conference in April.
Dr. Delshad’s current research is focused on mechanistic understanding of carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage and utilization in porous geological formations and modeling laboratory- and field-scale chemical and gas injection processes. Her diverse expertise includes the development numerical tools applicable to enhanced oil recovery using CO2, surfactant/polymer, wettability alteration in fractured carbonate reservoirs, foams and polymer/gel for conformance control, and hybrid methods of low salinity polymer and low-tension gas flooding. Her high-quality research is reflected in the recognition of UTCHEM — The University of Texas Chemical Flooding Reservoir Simulator — as the mechanistic reservoir simulator for chemical flooding EOR worldwide. Her passion for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is reflected in her travels to nearly 24 countries to teach and train engineers on EOR techniques.
Delshad served as vice president (2013–2014) and president/CEO (2015–2019) of Ultimate EOR Services, a global provider of EOR-focused laboratory studies, reservoir engineering and modeling studies, chemical design, chemical quality control, chemical procurement, and field technical support. From 2009 to 2014, she also served as assistant director for the Department of Energy–funded Center of Frontiers of Subsurface Energy Security (CFSES). She was named an SPE Distinguished Member in 2014 and Outstanding SPE Technical Editor in 2003.
Delshad holds a BS in chemical engineering from Sharif University in Iran and an MS and PhD in petroleum engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. She has published 106 journal articles and 147 paper proceedings. She is the EOR training course instructor for SPE and PetroSkills (2010–present).

Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (UT PGE) Research Professor Mojdeh Delshad has received the 2024 Pioneer Award. It is presented annually by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) to individuals who have made significant advancements in improved oil recovery (IOR) technology. Dr. Delshad will accept the award at the annual SPEIOR conference in April.
Dr. Delshad’s current research is focused on mechanistic understanding of carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage and utilization in porous geological formations and modeling laboratory- and field-scale chemical and gas injection processes. Her diverse expertise includes the development numerical tools applicable to enhanced oil recovery using CO2, surfactant/polymer, wettability alteration in fractured carbonate reservoirs, foams and polymer/gel for conformance control, and hybrid methods of low salinity polymer and low-tension gas flooding. Her high-quality research is reflected in the recognition of UTCHEM — The University of Texas Chemical Flooding Reservoir Simulator — as the mechanistic reservoir simulator for chemical flooding EOR worldwide. Her passion for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is reflected in her travels to nearly 24 countries to teach and train engineers on EOR techniques.
Delshad served as vice president (2013–2014) and president/CEO (2015–2019) of Ultimate EOR Services, a global provider of EOR-focused laboratory studies, reservoir engineering and modeling studies, chemical design, chemical quality control, chemical procurement, and field technical support. From 2009 to 2014, she also served as assistant director for the Department of Energy–funded Center of Frontiers of Subsurface Energy Security (CFSES). She was named an SPE Distinguished Member in 2014 and Outstanding SPE Technical Editor in 2003.
Delshad holds a BS in chemical engineering from Sharif University in Iran and an MS and PhD in petroleum engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. She has published 106 journal articles and 147 paper proceedings. She is the EOR training course instructor for SPE and PetroSkills (2010–present).