
Graduate Seminar - Dr. Eric Cayeux, NORCE

Monday, September 28, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Location: Zoom

On Monday, September 28, the Graduate Seminar will be held at 9:00 am. The speaker is Dr. Eric Cayeux of NORCE Norweigen Research Centre. Graduate students can find the Zoom link in their inboxes.

Title: Estimation of the Internal State of the Drilling System and its application to Drilling Monitoring, Drilling Automation and Autonomous Drilling

Abstract: The internal state of the drilling state results from the combined effects of hydraulic, mechanical, heat transfer and material transports effects. In practice, the drilling system is seldom in steady state conditions and therefore transient modelling is necessary. These mathematical models need to be calibrated because they usually depend on information that is either unknown or ill-defined. Unfortunately, the drilling system is observed at very few locations and these measurements are often unprecise. Therefore, the effect of such inaccuracies must be propagated during the internal state estimation. With such a probabilistic estimation at hand, it is then possible to assert when the drilling system starts to deviate from normal conditions and therefore provide warnings of the deterioration of the downhole conditions prior to the occurrence of any drilling incidents. This is the basis for providing weak symptoms-based diagnosis of drilling dysfunctions and adaptive control of the drilling process to avoid downtime.

Bio: Eric Cayeux is chief scientist of NORCE Drilling and Well modelling. Prior to joining NORCE 16 years ago, he has had an 18 years carrier in the industry, mostly working with the development of software solutions in drilling. In NORCE, Cayeux has been the software architect of drilling automation and diagnostic solutions and he has developed several mathematical models that are compatible with real-time constraints. He holds a Dr. Philos. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Stavanger, Norway, an M Sc. in Civil Engineering from the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat, Lyon, France, and an M. Sc. in Software Engineering from the University of Nice, France.


Archived Fall 2020 Seminars

Contact  Leah Freeman,