Energy One Magazine

Take a moment to connect with UT PGE! Check out our annual print magazine, Energy One, to learn how our faculty, students and alumni are leading the way to a sustainable energy future.


Energy One Powering Tomorrow

Inside this issue:

U.S. News Rankings
Leading Energy Innovation
Cave Diving
What the Hack?
Engineering Carbon Capture


Energy One Turning Down the Heat

Inside this issue:

U.S. News Rankings
Engineering a Net-Zero World
The Rock Star
2021 Distinguished Alumni
Fuel Relief After Ida


Energy One Energy Sustainability

Inside this issue:

Energy Sustainability
A Deep Dive with Matthew Willenbring
The Fulbright Scholars
The Energy Driver
Training Data Scientists


Energy One A Proud Tradition A New Era

Inside this issue:

A Proud Tradition. A New Era.
The Departure of a Legend
The Humble Humanitarian
Ride for a Cure
Energizing India


Energy One Drilling on Mars

Inside this issue:

Drilling on Mars
Industry Veteran Joins UT PGE
The Power of the Permian
May the Best Young Innovator Win
Magnetic Attraction


Energy One Drilling for Data

Inside this issue:

Drilling for Data
Testing the Entrepreneurial Waters
A Broad Learning Experience
The Watson Effect
Q&A: Helge Haldorsen


Energy One Passions Beyond

Inside this issue:

Passions Beyond Petroleum Engineering
EOR: Enhancing our Research
Longhorn Loyalty
Allies in Oil
Lab Launch


Energy One The Mitigation Method

Inside this issue:

The Mitigation Method
Well-defined Spacing and Sequencing
The Turning Point
Summer Internships in Shale Plays
Welcome John Foster
U.S. Secretary of Energy Visits UT Austin